Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

This photo has really changed be because it taught me a lot about lighting compositions and lines all in one picture.  I am proud of this picture and I think it shows good composition and intriguing lighting.
This picture is my example for shape because you can see the roundness in the bulb.
This is my example of form because you can see the shadow and the different lighting in the picture which allows you to clearly make out that it is a three dimensional  figure.

The difference between shape and form is that in shape you can only see the basic shape of whatever you are taking because there is not enough light or shadow.  While with form there will be a shadow and light shining on it so you can make out the form and tell that it is 3 dimensional.

This is a picture that I took representing Repetition.  Repetition is when the same thing is shown over and over in a row.  Pattern is similar to this but instead of having one thing over and over it is multiple thing over and over in a row.
This is my weebly about me page.!/about
This photographer influenced me and inspired me.




I believe that the commercial shoot was my best project because it looked very professional and could pass off as a real North Face commercial. This project changed me because it made me realize that it wasn't very hard to make a advertisement picture and we still managed to make it look good with the use of our photography skills and photoshop.  I learned to see differently because making adds for companies seems like a fun thing to do. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Website review

First Period:

This picture shows good composition and is balanced very well

Second Period:

This picture looks good enough to eat.
Third Period:

This lighting is very interesting and the shadows add a cool effect.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

First commercial shoot

Alyssa took this picture

I took this picture

I took this picture of Elliot

I took this picture as well
Elliot took this picture of me

All of these pictures were edited by Elliot and Alyssa 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

best picture

1. Brad Mangin!/about
2. Ron Vesely
3. Micheal Clark
4. Bob Martin
5. Stene Bonini

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Multicultural week

This picture shows the atmosphere of MC week.  Everyone is gathered together thinking about food and enjoying themselves.  It's perfect weather for food and activities.  The perfect time for fun!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Multicultural week is a time for people to connect in the best and easiest way possible; Food!  Everyone loves food and sense there is food from all different cultures and backgrounds it helps people understand their culture more and maybe connect with some people that they normally wouldn't talk to and they can learn from them about there culture. I love all types of food like chicken, pasta, noodles, naan, but I don't know how any of these foods came from and sense our school is so diverse I could ask people and really learn a lot and get more cultured than I was before. Also during this week crazy things happen like on Tuesday my friend found a black widow and was chasing me around campus with is and trying to kill me.  This week is very light and everyone has a good time.  That's why MC week is so great.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shutter speed and everything after

1.I think this picture used a fast shutter speed because there is no blurriness in the picture and everything is very crisp.
2.Leading lines is the concept that I think of when I look at this picture because of the rectangular shape of the trucks and the flat lines of them lead my eyes down the picture.
3.The lines of the trucks are really emphasized in this picture.
4.The separation by the guardrail straight down the middle and the trucks evenly spaced out is a a good example of proportion.

Shutter speed 1/500

Friday, March 27, 2015

Best represents variety

Our group chose picture 4 in the "Documenting the Blues in Mississippi Delta" slideshow.  I think this best represents variety because there are many different aspects that are happening in this picture such as, sports teams, girls, Malcom X, beer, and it all seems to be in a bar.  That is why I believe this picture represents variety.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Movie Monday Half Past Autumn Part 3 and 4

  1. What is your definition of successful?
  2. What have you given up to become successful?
  3. What did Parks give up to become successful?
  4. Who was Genevieve Young's father?
  5. How much was Parks advanced to write his first book (and eventual best-selling autobiography)?
  6. How much money did Elijah Muhammad offer Parks to do a story on The Nation of Islam?
  7. Why did Parks refuse the money?
  8. What was significant about the movie The Learning Tree?
  9. What was significant about the character Shaft?
  10. What was Gordon Parks' choice of weapons?
  11. What reason did Genevieve Young give for the divorce?
  12. In 1984, Parks directed Solomon Northrup's Odyssey. What recent feature film told the same story?
  13. Who was Gordon Parks, jr?
  14. What is your favorite Gordon Parks photo?
  15. What will you remember about Gordon Parks in ten years?

1. My definition of success is when you are well enough off that you have a home and food and are doing something that you love.

2. I have given up lots of free time and having fun to become successful.

3. Parks gave up family time and time being a father to become successful.

4.Gordon Ramsay.

5. He was offered the chance to write a book

6. He was given 100,000 dollars

7. Parks refused the offer because he said he didn't feel like he had the same beliefs as them.

8. It showed that an African American could be successful 

9.The character Shaft was significant because it gave young African Americans a figure to look up to and want to be like.

10. Gordons Weapon of choice was a .35 mm camera

11. Her reason for the divorce was that she couldn't advance in he career. 

12. Selsma told the same story

13. Gordon Parks jr. was Gordon Parks son

14. My Favorite Gordon Parks picture was the one of the janitor with the mop and the American flag behind her

15. I will remember how he broke barriers 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

top 5 photos

5. Picture 3 - A Net in the Water

4. Picture 5 - A Handful of Wheat

3. Picture 30 - A Cold Shower and a Hot Fire

2. Picture 14 - An Ant on Rope

1. Picture 22 - A Radiance of Education

Friday, February 20, 2015

festival poster 2

1. This poster is great because it is apealing to the eye and it is easy to read the information on it.

2. This poster is better than the last one because the colors are complimentary and go well together.  They make the poster pop out and catch peoples eyes.

3. We used specific marquis to make the outline of the letters to make them pop out and look better on the poster.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Period 4 Semester Final

Part 1:

1. My favorite picture from the slideshow was the last picture (#9) because this photo has a lot of character.  This photo shows a deer with a bird on its back and is very mysterious with the fog around them.  I also like that you can see the foreground focused and the background is even more hazy because it is not focused. 

2. The best photo in the slideshow is #5 because it is a very powerful picture showing a machine of war so close to a citizen laying on the beach relaxing.  Also the picture adds effect by focusing on the submarine rather than the lady relaxing on the beach.  There is also an element of mystery because if there wasn't a description of the picture you might think that the country is under attack or there is fighting going on somewhere which makes the picture more intense and interesting. 

3. I believe that my portrait assignment ( ) was my best work of the semester because I used lighting well and used good composition while incorporating the setting.  If I had more time to work on this assignment I might have blurred some of the picture to help focus on the person I was taking the picture of but still leaving enough focus to be able to see the light in the background.

4.     Depth



This a photo I took during homecoming and it shows depth because the palm trees in the back have much less detail in them than the people in the front of the picture do.  This picture also shows composition because the light creates an effect and casts a shadow on the people walking.  

6. Get closer (to the subject) was the rule that you had explained to us already. 

7. Benefits of groups

-If you don't know something, chances are one of the people in your group will know it.

-You can get other peoples opinion on things and make your work better.

-Saves you (the teacher) from getting asked the same question over and over.

-Prepares for when you have a job and have to work with groups we will already have an advantage.

-You know your group well so it is easy to communicate with them.

8. Difficulties of working in a group.

-People in your group having different opinions can be marked as a positive and a negative because sometimes it can be frustrating when people don't agree with you on things.

-Group assignments can also be hard because if you don't have good communication with your group members things might become hard when you are trying to coordinate how to get something done. 

-For me groups can be hard because I am held responsible for making sure my group is doing the right thing and staying on task and if they aren't the blame comes on me so that is added pressure to the situation. 

-Takes away from original ideas because if you see someone in your group that has a good idea you might just use that instead of thinking of your own idea. 

-When you are in groups you might end up making friends with your group members and then you are more prone to being loud and disruptive.


A Little History 

10. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy was the photographer the my group chose.  This photographer helped photography by added abstracted photos that had very cool lighting and different shapes and colors in them while also adding effects like shallow depth of field.  

11. Her most popular photo was titled "Migrant Mother" This photo was taken in March of 1936 in Nipomo California.  Lang was employed at that time by the Resettlement Administration.

12.  Life magazine started publishing January 8, 1935 by the founder of Life magazine Henry Luce.

13. Capa founded Magnum Photos in 1947.

14. The Fallen Soldier was taken September 5 1936 at Cerro Muriano.